The Kushner Walking Tour
1 Comments Published by Anonymous on Friday, September 01, 2006 at 8:24 PM.From the beginning, we didn't plan to be slavish to reality; it is, after all, a gay fantasia, and literal documentary is the farthest thing from the play's intent. But after climbing the rocky crags of The Ramble in Central Park (where Louis searches for anonymous sex), strolling down East 87th Street (where Roy Cohn lives when Ethel Rosenberg's ghost crashes the party), and visiting Brooklyn (the home of Prior, Louis, Harper, and Joe), I have to admit that I am relating to the play in a different way. Sure, it's a fantasy of Kushner's invention...but the world of the play is very real, and its foundations lay squarely in our own lives. Joe and Louis never shared a hot dog on these steps, but the steps nevertheless are there. (Profound? Probably not, but it did affect me. I'm a sucker for contrivance.)
It also helped that we had an absolute ball doing this day-long project; amateur photographers that we are, you would have thought we were Diane Arbus. (I have to admit that the hills of Central Park kicked my ass, and by the end of our eight-hour jaunt, I was ready to sit and think about anything besides the play!)
I love the post. I couldn't agree more...thinking about how he found very specific places that exsist and used them as part of the play made me think about the play in a different way. It's not just on the page...I'm stading in the spot where he stood while creating the play. xo